Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hi ho, hi ho, it's back to work I go... That's right! The new school year is just around the corner and I just know it's going to be a great year. I'm psyched and ready to go (ok, I'm almost ready, I just need a few more days). Transitioning back to work after being home with Little Bear all summer has given me a lot of things to reflect on. Here are my top ten reasons I am excited to get back to work and my top ten reasons I want to call it quits and play with Little Bear everyday.

Top Ten Reasons I am Glad To Be Back At Work

1. I love my job- I know it sounds cheesy, but I really do love my job. Especially right now. I am fortunate enough to be  a Teacher Leader in my district and be working with a team of amazing teachers to roll out the Common Core Standards. It's very challenging and exciting work. I love being in the thick of it all.

2. I am excited to try a new structure to my reading program.

3. I miss my friends.

4. I miss the kids.

5. I miss having something to do that is mine, just for me, outside the house.

6. I miss the mental stimulation.

7. I miss being connected to other adults outside my family.

8. I love having Little Bear in school. I love the socialization and experiences she gets that I could never provide for her at home.

9. I appreciate the time I do have with Little Bear and Hubby more.

10. I miss the paycheck. Let's be honest, money is definitely a part of it.

Top Ten Reasons I want to Call it Quits

1. I miss LIttle Bear more than anything when I'm at work and she's at school.

2. The house is in a constant state of clutter.

3. Last minute runs to the grocery store on weekdays.

4. I miss Little Bear.

5. Getting up early.

6. I can't give Piper as much attention.

7. "I'm done!" and other such sayings I hear multiple times a day (any teacher out there knows what I'm talking about)

8. Yard duty

9. I can't seem to squeeze regular runs into the weekday schedule.

10. Did I mention how much I miss Little Bear?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My last post was about one of Hubby's projects so I thought this one would be about one of mine. One of my biggest interests/hobbies is living a healthy lifestyle. I love to run and eat healthy. More specifically, I enjoy cooking healthy organic meals for my family. I tend to go a little crazy and actually plan balanced meals (you know, veggies, protein, grain, etc) and even plan Little Bear's food for the day to make sure her overall diet is complete. Please take note- I don't do this because I'm paranoid about what we eat (although I am cautious and aware). I do it more out of interest and enjoyment. In the interest of furthering this hobby and making an attempt at organizing nutrition info, recipes, and meal plans I have decided to create a website called The DiSessa Family Kitchen. I hope that I can pass my love of healthy eating onto Little Bear because I do believe that it is a critical element to a happy, healthy life.
I just started designing the website and won't make it live for a while but I'm excited about it and I hope it might inspire others to live a healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Well, here we are. My first post on my first blog. Thanks for stopping by! This blog is nothing fancy or spectacular- it's just a way for me to reflect on the goings-on here in the House on Benton Street. Believe me, there's a lot going on between the 1 year old (Little Bear), the dog (Piper, aka Brown Bear), and the husband's projects (most recent- building a bike). I'll take this last point as a topic for my first blog post.

You read correctly, my husband is making a bike. This is just one of the many reasons I love him so much. Let me explain. My husband is very creative and project oriented. He is always thinking of cool, off the wall projects - and he actually does them- even though most of his projects can be purchased at any number of common stores. This is in sharp contrast to myself who doesn't even begin to think about doing projects (unless it's for Little Bear) and certainly would never actually do it. I'd just read about it, look at pictures, and figure it would either be too hard, too time consuming, or too expensive. Anyways, back to the bike. So Hubby has decided to make a bike with a front carriage for Little Bear. I think its in the front, I'm not actually too sure of the details of the bike. This is all well and good and very cute of him. The problem lies in the actual making of the bike. How does one meld two pieces of metal together? By welding of course! So now Hubby is welding for the first time. In our back yard. So far so good. He hasn't burned the yard, shed, or house and has only obtained minor injuries to his own body. It's actually pretty cool and I love how excited he gets about these projescts. Especially if they are for LIttle Bear. So good luck to Hubby!